3 All Natural Ways to Moisturize and Beat Dry Skin Now with 5 Kitchen Items

Do you get dry skin when it starts to get cold outside? I sure do! And it keeps up until spring. Once I was at a meeting and looked down to find the skin on my arm was dry and flaking, like some kind of scary arm dandruff. I was horrified and tried to hide my arms. I didn’t want that to happen again. So I started looking for something to moisture my sensitive skin. I like to use more natural products on my skin because it’s fairly sensitive. It’s hard to find products that are natural, non-toxic, and reasonable priced. So I turned to the kitchen, since most edible items are non-toxic. I found several combinations have worked well for me.


Fix Dry Skin with 5 Kitchen Items

Remove that top layer of dead dry skin by exfoliating with equal amounts of coconut oil and baking soda. Just put a teaspoon or so of each in your hand and rub them together to melt the coconut oil before applying to your face or body. Use small circular scrubbing motions to exfoliate. I recommend using this no more than 2-3 times a week. I keep a jar of coconut oil and an old spice jar with shaker top in my bathroom for this use. Sometimes I just use water and the baking soda if my skin isn’t feeling very dry.
Bonus tip: add a drop of essential oil that is good for skin, or just smells good. Lemon, frankincense, or lavender might be good additions.
CAUTION: Use essential oils with extreme care! For example, citrus oils can cause extreme photosensitivity/burning in the sun. Lavender oil has been found to disrupt hormones of young men. Please take time to learn about any essential oil before use!
Salt, coffee, almond oil scrub for the body (works for cellulite and varicose veins too)
3 T salt dead sea salt, Himalayan, plain sea salt, etc.
1 T coffee or espresso grounds
1 t almond oil
Use as a body scrub in the shower. BONUS: This smells divine!!
Also: I like to extend the shelf life by mixing the coffee and salt ahead if time. I keep the container in the shower and add coconut or almond oil to my hand when I use it.
Moisturize your face and body with pure olive oil.
Just use it sparingly at night for a terrific overnight moisturizer. If olive oil is too​ heavy, try some coconut oil or almond oil instead.

Homemade “Cocoa Wheats” Copycat Hot Cereal Recipe

Homemade "Cocoa Wheats" Copycat Hot Cereal Recipe

My husband grew up eating “Cocoa Wheats” brand cereal. He and our daughter both LOVE chocolate, so this doesn’t surprise me. I wanted to make our own version because we lived in an area of the country where the only way to have Cocoa Wheats would be to order an entire case and have it shipped cross country. This is easy to make with ingredients usually found in the pantry!

DIY “Cocoa Wheats” Hot Cereal

Makes 4 servings:

1 c wheat or grain cereal (you can also use oatmeal or coarsely ground wheat, etc.)
3 c water (for wheat or grain cereal) follow instructions for oatmeal
1/2 t salt
2 t cocoa
1 T coconut oil (optional)
1 T honey or sugar (or to taste)

Boil water and stir in all ingredients except coconut oil and honey. Cook until cereal is soft and thick. Stir in coconut oil and honey.

Serve with a drizzle of almond milk or half and half if desired. Half of our family adds another teaspoon of sugar to their bowl. I don’t like it that sweet, so you may need to adjust the sweetener to your liking.

p.s. I chipped my sugar bowl and my sweet (then 14 year old) daughter made a cute little cup and saucer from fimo clay to make it pretty again!

Homemade "Cocoa Wheats" Copycat Hot Cereal Recipe


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